The Power of Love – Family Edition

This will be the only reference to Huey Lewis in this post. 😉

I always find something positive to come away with when I shoot a wedding. Saturday, Joseph and I had the opportunity to shoot for a military family. Since one of my best friends is current deployed, I have a renewed sense of deep appreciation for those who serve in our armed forces. They have to make a lot of sacrifices.

When it came to the dancing portion of the night, the bride and groom shared their first dance as per the tradition. Next up was the father/daughter dance. However, the DJ handed a microphone to the bride who in turn explained what was about to happen. One of her sisters got married to a Marine about 4 years ago, and because of the craziness of fitting in a wedding with about 2 weeks of planning due to an impending deployment, the sister never got to have her father/daughter dance, and she had talked about how she had wished she could have had that. So, the bride dedicated that first dance to her sister.

Father/Daughter Dance


It was a beautiful moment. I’m thankful to see there are other families out there who are close to each other like mine. I am spoiled and blessed by my family.

Thanks for reading,
Jon Cole

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