
This site contains the thoughts of me, Jon Cole. I decided I’d start a blog because I have a plethora of thoughts that I don’t know what to do with at times. This blog is going to be a catch-all of sorts of what runs through my mind.

I will do everything I can to write my thoughts with a purpose. I can’t say you’ll never be offended by the things I write, but be assured that I’m not setting out to offend. Rather, I’m presenting truth as I see it. If’m I’m talking about faith, I will do what I can to back up what I believe to be Truth with scripture.

You are welcome to comment on the things I write. I don’t write things to fish for a boost to my ego. I am writing because, chances are, someone else has had a similar thought and may need some reassurance. All I ask is that if you comment, please adhere to these guidelines:

  1. Add to the conversation.
  2. Keep it civil. Debate if you need to, but no personal attacks, racial slurs or other ignorant slams.
  3. Use your real information when you comment. Your email address will never be shown publicly, and I’m not going to add you to a spam list or sell your info. Let’s have the conversation “face to face, eh? 🙂

I reserve the right to delete comments that do not adhere to the guidelines.

Thanks for visiting. I hope you find information on my blog that will help you in life.